
physical exercise and pregnancy

For some people, seeing a woman during pregnancy performing some exercises at the gym comes as a shock, and they are instantly worried about the health of the baby. The truth is that reasonable physical exercise and pregnant women go together - to some extent. Physical activity is good both for the health of the mother and that of the baby, but certain precautions must be taken. If you're pregnant, this article will help you and your baby exercising the right way.

The most important thing you should do before engaging in any prenatal physical exercise is to see your physician and check with him or her. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) offers a list of conditions that must be approved by the attending physicians of women in pregnancy, as well as a list of conditions that require contraindication. While most pregnancies are normal, there are circumstances that can jeopardize healthy pregnancies such as inappropriate or too much exercising.

The safety of the mother and that of the baby are the top priority when it comes to physical exercise and pregnant women. Thus, all safety measures should be taken to avoid any untoward accidents. For example, make sure the floors are not wet and slippery. Wear only light cotton clothes that allow your body to breathe. Exercise only when there is someone else in the house with you or when the gym is still peopled - you never know when you're going to need help.

It is best to start with stretching. Stretching conditions your body and eases the baby into the exercise regimen you are about to go through. In particular, don't forget to stretch your chest, lower back, inner things, calves, and hamstrings. Stretches also serve as your warm-ups. Never, ever go into exercising without warming up. This will bring shock to your system and even alarm your baby.
As for the main fitness workouts you should do, consider doing some muscular endurance exercises, cardio and relaxation exercises. Muscular endurance activities can help you build your muscles and gain the strength you need for the rigors of childbirth.

Moreover, with a baby coming into your life, your body certainly needs to be strong in every way possible. Perform some activities that will strengthen your chest, shoulders, upper and lower back, pelvic area, and your thighs. On the other hand, cardio exercises can help you improve the condition of your heart. Your heart needs to be prepared for normal childbirth as well. Some women with supposedly normal pregnancies end up with a C-section because of heart weakness. If you wish to run on a treadmill, consult your physician about the speed and duration allowed. Some women go into premature labor because of over exercise.

Meanwhile, relaxation exercises give you the serenity every pregnant woman must have. Simple yoga positions and basic aerobic activities can help you feel peaceful yet stimulated. Stop the workouts once you feel any form of discomfort.

After performing the exercises, don't forget to stock up on water and other healthy liquids; otherwise you and your baby might get dehydrated. If you wish, you could stop in between exercises for a sip or a gulp. Just follow all these tips and you can be sure that physical exercise and pregnant women can be a great team.

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