
Basics of Food Management

Food is a fundamental part of our existence. Our lives revolve around our moment of awakening from. Food and celebrations go together and even celebrations in the world and in all cultures focus on the food. Our ancient Indian scriptures divide the food into three categories, such as-

Satvic or clean foods: These are foods that heal, comfort, juicy, sweet and increase longevity, intelligence and strength and well digested by our system.

Rajasik or tasteful foods: These are salty, spicy, sour, salty and can lead to health problems, pain or discomfort.

Tamasik or unclean food, especially bland, cold, leftover food, cooked using impure and causing great damage to the mind and body.

Food is one of the aspects of our life, we take for granted. We are less aware of the food we eat. We leave our body to cope with the constant abuse of our everyday life and lifestyles. We human beings, without our bodies for granted, production systems that create health and the construction of a unit with food, productive exercises, yoga, breathing and meditation correction, rest and sleep and be spiritually aware and. These measures result in improved endurance, strength, tone and energy, with a focus on the body as an entity, which focuses on the welfare and well-being .

The food we eat provides the basis for all the cells and tissues of our body. The purpose of food is to nourish us, strengthen and vital energy. Digestive harmony is the key to the release of this vital energy needed for a healthy life. The science of Ayurveda - the science of creative and constructive life - said that every part of our body and mind is governed by the doshas - force or bio-energetic elements that support life. Refined foods, processed and stored are completely devoid of nutrition and vitality. , Natural, raw healthy foods that absorbed cosmic energy, and are heavily laden with heavy rains and the sun should be used to the maximum for the health and well-being.

The father of medicine, Hippocrates said "your food is your medicine. You are what you eat and what you eat, you become."

For most of us eat good food is just another task and a trivial thing to do. How many of us are well aware that good food does miracles in our cells and tissues and is responsible for 80 percent of our transformation. The food has a subtle effect on our minds. Diet plays a key role in brain influence our behavior, our moods and thought processes and stress management. Are these healthy, natural foods that provide health and vigor and freedom that protects us from disease. Studies have shown that there are two processes in the body cleansing diet - nutrition and rights that must be regulated and sensitive with good eating habits. If neglected, it can lead to a buildup of toxins that are the basis for most physical and mental degeneration.

Health is not only a great body or a figure of zero size, but it covers fitness, science of mind and spiritual growth and our efforts to be an integrated approach to wellness. To achieve this eating appropriate foods that undermine our digestive system. Yeah, I mean, I'm very easy in all junk food, soda, cold consumption, bland and excessive meat and alcohol foods. Instead, start loving fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy foods in their natural form. It is important to "meet his hungry and take care of your appetite." We urge you to continue this and call it a "diet". It is not intended for weight loss alone. Rather, it is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

So we celebrate good health.

How many times have you come across the words "healthy" and "food" in the same sentence, but he chose to ignore it? Despite being aware of the many benefits of eating healthily, I see so many people around me to take their health for granted. Our body is what you make of it. So why fill it with unhealthy foods and end up gaining weight.

Eating healthy has many advantages, some of them:

1. Helps to prevent and control health problems like heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes.

2. With proper nutrition your body is better equipped to cope with stress.

3. good food stimulates the body to create more killer cells to ward off infections and promote immunity.

4. The food provides us with antioxidants fight against the disease and may slow the natural aging process.

Indian diets carefully and planning are natural and unprocessed grains, pulses and dals, fruits and vegetables, nuts and oilseeds, including; all in quantities sufficient to maintain health. Food and nutrition are responsible for 70 to 80% of the entire processing. Food also affects your thought processes, attitudes and behavior. There are foods that can make you feel high, there are foods that can make you irritable and cranky, there are foods that can excite, and there are foods that can relax.

Indian diets indigenous population suit the best according to our culture, weather, atmosphere, pollution, etc. Once while enjoying other cuisines is great, but you want to return to rely on pasta and hamburgers too often and to address the risks associated with the consumption of unhealthy foods such fibrous, right?

As mentioned above, the health risks are much! Our plans include complex carbohydrates jowar, bajra, ragi, wheat etc all unlike refined carbohydrates. Our plans are designed to protect our hearts with low levels of oils, fats, sugars. In fact, our diet this perfect balance of all food groups, not too much and not too little. High consumption of sugar is proportional to diabetes, high levels of fat can lead to high cholesterol, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, etc.

My golden rules for better health:

Remember, our bodies are designed to consume what we have had since childhood and that our parents, fathers have eaten before. Our plans rotis, dals / legumes, vegetables, sprouts, salads, etc. comprehensive health everyday, as opposed ensure the constant consumption of junk / burgers / pizza / excessive amounts of cheese, cream, food, etc. Take all you want, but remember, nothing too much or too little is just as dangerous ...

Guidelines for a healthy diet and weight control

Follow these golden rules / steps to achieve a healthy weight loss healthy and maximize your supply of health and longevity:

1. frequent small portions of food are recommended. Eat slowly. Eating frequently prevents hunger pangs, provides constant current and maintain efficient metabolism.

2. Choose foods based on their preference and not worry so much about the number of calories you consume, but to focus on the combination of good food and portion sizes. Do not deprive yourself. This can cause you to eat more the next day.

3. Add a variety of foods in your daily diet. Include healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, sprouts and whole grains. They provide all the essential nutrients and fibers which are necessary for growth, good health and immunity.

4. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of fluids such as water and herbal teas. These drinks are loads managers are hungry.

5. Include fresh fruit, fresh vegetable juice unfiltered, vegetables, sprouts, whole grains, nuts and low fat milk / yogurt.

6. Drink a glass of tea with ginger / green after a heavy meal. This speeds up digestion and improve metabolism.

7. Eat healthy snacks like salads, biscuits, fruit, sugar and low-fat yogurt, biscuits and muffins Graham.

8. Read labels and choose foods that do not contain chemicals such as preservatives and additives. Organic food is a healthier choice.

9. Avoid bad fats, such as butter, cream and salad dressings whole milk rich salad dressings. Be careful not to remove the sources of good fats such as nuts, seeds and olive oils containing unsaturated fatty acids. Use these foods in moderation.

10. Eliminate white flour products such as breads and crackers, pasta, white rice, processed foods and sugary breakfast cereals. They lack fiber. They also cause an increase our level of insulin leads to fat accumulation.

11. Exercise on a regular basis. Stretching, yoga, gymnastics, walking and other milder forms of aerobic activities are recommended. These exercises can be done at home or in a gym with help. Stress can be reduced through yoga, meditation, rest and good sleep.

12. Avoid soft drinks and juices. Also avoid sweets, desserts and fried snacks. Instead, eat a variety of nutritious foods. Limit consumption of processed foods, fried foods and fast foods. If you must have them, consider exercise restraint. Moderation is the key when you eat what you want without feeling deprived.

13. Use cooking methods such as boiling, steaming, grilling and roasting instead of frying.

Good health is the result of conscious commitment that involves many factors such as the food we eat, exercise, mental well-being, rest and sleep. Consistency is the most important factor when it comes to good nutrition. When you are often on the run, you need a plan that can easily adopt and has a base of healthy food. Frequently eating well-balanced meals is essential for anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain it, have energy and stamina throughout the day, increasing immunity, to improve attention and Mickeymizing concentration and especially their relationship to be!...
