Yoga is used to refer to an old field involving both the physical and spiritual aspects. It is a branch of philosophy with its origin in India. It is believed that yoga has been around for over 5000 years. This discipline is not only practiced in India but in almost all countries. With every passing day it is gaining more popularity and applications. When in search of
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The term yoga means to unite, join, or yoke. This is a translation from the Sanskrit word, yuj. Yuj is defined as the integration of all aspects of the human being, where the body is integrated with the mind, while the mind is integrated with the soul. The integration is meant to achieve a happy, balanced, and useful life. By exercising yuj, participants aim at achieving ultimate freedom, according to fanatics of the exercise.
Current literature does not reveal who invented yoga. This is the case because even before any written account of the discipline existed, it was being practiced long ago. Yogis have passed down this practice to their students, which has caused various styles to emanate. Patanjali is believed to have written the first ever account of the practice.
He was a yogic sage and it is believed that his writings trace back 2000 to 2500 years ago. Patanjali is credited to writing philosophy, yogic practices and principles still being practiced today. Despite the fact that there are a number of different schools, they still follow the same fundamental principles. Yogic principles are followed by a number of spiritual traditions such Buddhism and others from the East.
Many different types/schools of yoga exist today. These styles have evolved over several hundreds of years. They were developed by different yogis, based on different approaches and philosophies. These approaches were then passed down to students, who passed them down to other students and the cycle continued. The Hatha yoga is an example of a yogic style that was developed in the 15th century by Yogi Swatmarama. It was passed down and today, it is the most popular style in the US.
The various styles have the same goal behind them, that is, to unify the spirit, mind, and body. Examples of styles include Purna, Bhakti, Raja, Mantra, Ashtanga, Bikram, Kundalini, Iyengar, Karma, Astanga, Jnana, Tantra, Hatha, Ananda, and Anusara. Others include Kripalu, Sivananda, Integral, Kali Ray Tri, and Vini among several others.
There are various styles but some styles are more popular than others. Some popular styles include Hatha, Astanga, Bikram, Iyengar, Astanga and Kundalini. These styles are practiced by most Americans since they are common in most fitness and training centers. Before one signs up, they need to know the style offered by a center.
Statistics from 2003 indicate that some 13.4 million Americans practice this discipline. Older people were found to make the biggest percentage, with some 1.6 million old people exercising yogic practices. Another study indicated that approximately 15 million Americans have engaged in this exercise before. A majority of the people engaged in the exercise for wellness purposes.